Access Keys:

Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral


Welcome to Team Phoenix’s page. 


Meet the team: 

Teacher: Mrs Shepherd 

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Walters 

Mr Corf

Mr Naismith 

Occasionally we have a team dog. Mrs Shepherd’s Coton De Tulear called Sherlock. He visits us two or three times a week. 


General information

On Monday mornings, Team Phoenix enjoy guided meditation - this is where pupils’ have the opportunity to lay on a large beanbag, with a blanket and relax whilst listening to guided meditation. This is to promote positive mindfulness for the rest of the week. 


Wednesday’s are our PE days. Pupils’ are advised to come into school wearing clothing appropriate for PE. Such as joggers, (shorts for the summer) T-shirts and trainers.

Team Phoenix are encouraged to read as much as possible. They read to a member of staff daily and read to a younger pupil in school twice a week. We also promote a “drop everything and read” session. This is to try and encourage reading as a pleasure rather than a chore. 

In class we also promote team work through lots of team games, drama activities and role play scenarios. Building positive friendships with peers and staff is greatly encouraged. 



10th Jul 2024
Another amazing trip for Team Phoenix. Everyone had loads of fun at Bewilderwood....
25th Jun 2024
Team Phoenix had a fantastic trip at Loggerheads today. We completed a nice walk...
19th Mar 2024
Teams Phoenix & Armstrong were the first to visit Eureka today.  
13th Oct 2023
Team Phoenix have been making 3D model sharks using newspaper and paper mache. Here...

Latest Photographs


Class Photograph
