Access Keys:

Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral

Pupil Premium


Funding £ 59655

 Success Criteria:

Achievement of Pupils

  • Pupils make progress in all areas of the curriculum after they have settled in to their new environment
  • Analysis of children taking part in targeted intervention demonstrates progress and improvement in core subject areas
  • Analysis of this cohort using school’s data demonstrates a closing / narrowing of the gap with peers in school and value added nationally

Quality of Teaching

  • Teaching to be at least good – mainly outstanding – using lesson observations (linked to the Performance Management process) to evaluate impact
  • Targeted intervention for underperforming groups impacting on quality of teaching and thus progress of children and a focus on life skills and SEAL across the curriculum

Behaviour and Safety

  • To improve attendance of children in receipt of PP using school based interventions such as parenting support/ inform parents through letters or meetings, celebrate good attendance throughout school
  • Pupil Premium used to track additional information and direct resources appropriately based on outcomes using Individual Pupil Learning Journeys. Areas: Attendance, achievement, pastoral support, progress etc
  • Dedicated Attendance Officer to track attendance and provide interventions in a timely manner

Leadership and Management

  • Action plan identifies provision and expected impact
  • SENCO acts as advocate and is able to carefully track progress and impact of intervention strategies
  • Action Plan reported to Governing body so they have a detailed knowledge of actions / their rationale / cost and impact
  • SENCO to collate information regarding progress and impact across range of interventions and activities offered to this cohort


 To do what…

Financial implications

Impact to be assessed at the end of the school year

IT Support Systems

To provide IT Support Systems to track all aspects of children’s progress in receipt of pp

Cornerstones curriculum support, CPOMS , Target tracker, IDL, Word shark



Literacy / Numeracy Support

Provide targeted intervention for children underperforming in literacy and numeracy in receipt of PP.

4 days per week management time for Maths and English leads



Life skills and SEAL

Provide targeted intervention for children underperforming in social skills in receipt of PP.

Member of staff to support access to the outdoor learning hub



Attendance / Parental Support

Meetings to identify those in receipt of PP who are vulnerable and in need of family support, barriers to learning identified at admission meetings, attendance regularly analysed

Identify children for FLO support within school, families have access to FLO worker

FLO able to meet with parents for TAF meetings to discuss issues & support the family


3 days per week


Extra - Curricular

Year 5&6 trips for social skills development, financial support to PP children so that they can take part in enrichment and access activities in the community, access to outdoor learning opportunities for pp children to improve social skills, Access to cookery and sport equipment so that pp children can gain life skills

Mini-bus and petrol £1000

School Trips £2,000

Outdoor provision £3,000

Sports equipment £1000

Cookery £534