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Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral
Half Term 17th - 21st February - See you all on Monday 24th
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National Lockdown Announced

The Prime Minister announced that a new national lockdown would come into force at 00.01 on Wednesday 6th January.

During the period of national lockdown, schools, alternative provision, special schools and colleges will remain open to the most vulnerable children and young people and the children of critical workers only.

All other pupils will be educated remotely via Seesaw, our online learning platform:  Seesaw Student Login.


Accessing Free School Meals:

All schools will transfer onto a new voucher system co-ordinated by the Department for Education (DfE).  The new system, operated by Edenred, will issue free school meal vouchers via the email address that school holds on record. The value of the vouchers has increased to £15 per week to support you through these difficult times. The school office has endeavoured to check all parental email addresses by phone to ensure that you receive your vouchers in a timely manner. However, in the unlikely event that your voucher does not arrive by Wednesday 22nd April 2020, you should contact the school office for assistance.

We will also continue to work with the Neo Café who aim to deliver food hampers to the homes of all pupils who receive free school meals.

07.04.20 Gilbrook will continue to remain open

Gilbrook will continue to remain open to the most vulnerable pupils and pupils whose parents and carers are key workers. As you are aware the Secretary of State for education has asked that pupils only attend school if it is critical to the country’s COVID-19 response. This means that Gilbrook will remain open for these pupils; as a school we have contacted the parents and carers of those pupils that should attend. All other pupils are safer at home and must not attend school for any reason. However as a school we will do our best to continue to support you and your child until the current crisis is over.

How you can contact school:

You can continue to contact school as normal on – 0151 522 3900 or by the email below.

If for some reason that you cannot contact the school office you can use the numbers below in an emergency:

  • Kirsten Brown – (Head/Designated Safeguarding Lead) – 07867 906316
  • Diane Clark (Deputy Headteacher) – 07795 497151
  • Sarah Long (Assistant Head/SENCO/Designated Safeguarding LEAD) – 07711 815399

How to contact teachers for advice and guidance should the school be closed:

You can contact school on the email below in the event of a school closure.

If pupils, parents or carers need to contact teachers for help and support with the work that has been provided, they can reach them via the school office or alternatively via the emails below:

Additionally, we will take every opportunity to maintain regular contact with you throughout the current crisis. In the meantime, please accept our very best wishes for the coming weeks and months. Look after yourselves and those close to you. Please follow the social distancing guidelines from Government and help us all to emerge from this unprecedented situation safely and in good health.

Mr S Baker
Executive Headteacher

 Other useful contact details and links that you may need in the event of a school closure:

Pupils have been given their log on details and have been taught how to navigate this resource prior to lockdown.  However, if you have difficulties in accessing your child’s Seesaw account then please contact the class emails for log on details and any other support with work.  In addition they will also have TT rockstars and Bug Club to access to continue their work on these sites.  Teacher will also send out links to other resources that may be useful to you.  Teachers will set work each day for pupils to complete at home and submit for staff to check and support. 

Alternatively, if you would rather that school provides paper-based work for your child this can be provided for you via contact with the class staff.

Teachers will remain in contact with you throughout the lockdown to offer any additional help and guidance that your child requires to learn whilst at home.



Update 25.05.2020

You will have heard that primary and secondary mainstream schools are being asked to reopen after half-term for some year groups.  Government guidance recognises that special schools operate very differently to mainstream schools and that careful planning and preparation is required to allow pupils to return in a way that is safe for all members of the school community.  A letter has been sent to all parents/carers to explain how we are planning carefully for welcoming back our pupils when it is safe to do so.

As ever, thank you for your support and patience during these uncertain times. We will continue to keep you informed of any changes as and when we receive further government guidance.


Update 01.04.2022

Updated government guidance