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Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral
Half Term 17th - 21st February - See you all on Monday 24th
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New Brighton Trip

21st Sep 2017

On Wednesday 20th September Team B went to New Brighton to sail our Greek boats in the boating lake.

The boats were made out of laminated cardboard with wooden oars for buoyancy and a sail made out of coloured felt. We tried to recreate the battle that took place near the island of Salamis where the Greeks defeated the Persians. Our boats sailed really well but some of them capsized after a while and others just sank…… It really did look like a battle had taken place!

We then played with two large modern control speed boats that we had brought with us; it was good  fun racing around different obstacles and controlling the boats to avoid the wreckage of the earlier battle.

We enjoyed our lunch next to the marine lake and the teachers bought us some chips, which was a treat.  The sun was shining and it was really pleasant.  After lunch we had a go at crabbing; we used bacon as bait and between all of us we managed to catch eight crabs which we thought was good –  we could have caught a lot more but the crabs kept jumping off at the last second and splashing back into the water. It was great fun and we worked really hard as a team by taking turns and encouraging each other to be patient  and careful near the water.

The last thing we did was to go the the ice cream shop, we all chose our favourite flavour then sat outside near the marina to eat them….. they were delicious. As luck would have it, it started to rain but it was time to go home so we all got in the minibus and drove back to school just in time to get our transport home.

We all had a great time and would recommend these activities at New Brighton to everyone.

Team B