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Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral
Half Term 17th - 21st February - See you all on Monday 24th
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Visit from Margaret Greenwood MP

2nd Oct 2018

I visited Gilbrook School in Woodchurch today to meet some of the children and staff. It’s a maintained special primary school for pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. The school provides a really welcoming environment for the children and I was very impressed by everything I saw. There are colourful displays in the classrooms and outside are chickens, rabbits and a guinea pig that the children can play with and look after; there is also an area where the children can grow plants – I was delighted to be given a bunch of radishes by one of the children! It was a real pleasure to sit down with the children at a special tea party that had been organised and hear about their recent trip to Westminster. Their teacher Jo Chapman set up a parliament-style debate after the visit using some of the wonderful props that the Parliament Education department provides, including wigs and a mace! If you work in a school and would like to arrange a visit for your children, please email me at and I can send you the details. Thanks to everyone at Gilbrook who made this such a special visit, especially the children, the headteacher Kirstin Brown, and Jo Chapman.