Access Keys:

Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral


A team of teachers and teaching assistants from Gilbrook Primary SEMH Special School are available for consultation, advice, training and support regarding Social and Emotional issues.

Our aim is to work with colleagues in primary schools to support strategies for children demonstrating social and emotional and mental health difficulties within their own schools and to enable pupils with emotional and social difficulties to be supported within their mainstream schools.

Schools who wish to request support should complete the integrated response pathway referral form available from your school office.

All new requests are discussed at the weekly case meeting and delegated to a member of the team to respond.

Gilbrook Outreach is committed to focusing on preventative work to ensure that needs are identified as quickly as possible and that early action is taken to meet those needs and to developing approaches that embed co-operative multi-disciplinary working between all agencies.

Typical work activities include consulting and advising school staff ; promoting an understanding of the context and environment which influence a child’s well-being; observing children in the contexts in which they play and learn; assessments/interviews with children to gain understanding as to the child’s emotional and social and mental health; developing and supporting strategies to address the child’s needs – providing ‘in class’ modelling and support when required; writing recommendations on action to be taken and contributing professional advice; attending meetings involving multi-disciplinary teams, and parents/carers, on how to best meet the social, emotional and behavioural needs of the child and teacher, support staff and parent training sessions.

It is very much the intention that the Outreach Team supports the staff to assist the children however some children are best supported with group or individual programmes delivered by the Outreach Team. These include Circle of Friends, Friendship Groups, Anger Management / Emotional Literacy, Solution Focused 1:1 support, Seasons for Growth and Peer Mediation.

When a case is closed schools are required to evaluate the support using an Evaluation Form.